Services for Authors and Writers
Whether you are an aspiring author or a well-seasoned writer, our editing and proofreading services for authors at are right for you and your manuscript.
What's Included in Our Proofreading Services for Writers's professional-level proofreading for writers provides a microscopic glance that catches any missed mistakes. With your own writing, it often becomes difficult to see your own mistakes. That's where our proofreading for authors steps in to examine your work in depth for any common grammar, punctuation, or other overlooked mistakes
What's Included in Our Editing Services for Writers
As a writer, you don't want to entrust your work to just anyone. Our professional editing for authors gives our clients the edge and advantage they need to get published quicker. All our staff have years of experience in editing for authors and know what it takes to make your work of art the best that it can be.
You Always Have Creative Control
Our staff members at are familiar with most literary forms and genres and do their best to respect your creative vision. If you are writing a work of nonfiction, we promise to work tirelessly to build you a better manuscript that effectively presents your ideas or research.
Privacy is Our Policy
Rest assured that all written works given to our professional editors and proofreaders respect both your privacy and copyright concerns. All manuscripts that are sent to and from us are always encrypted.
Book Editing Services. Our book editing services are able to comprehensively check any written work, no matter the form or genre. If you need a professionally-trained second pair of eyes to help you put those final touches on your masterpiece, give it to our professional proofreaders and editors.

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